Boulderscape Project
St Catherines School
Laguna Beach, CA
Installed a 14” thick structural shotcrete and a 1”- 6” thick architectural shotcrete.
Record Installation Time
Avg. Savings Over Alternative Wall Finishes %
Wall Square Footage
In Depth Analysis
Boulderscape Services
BSI combined eroded bank and cemented sandstone geologies were used to create this unique hybrid finish for a private school in Laguna Beach, CA. Conglomerate was infused into carefully arranged strata to add additional realism and depth to the geological formations. Likewise, three large planter pockets were installed in the wall’s facing to allow for the planting.
Boulderscape Service Overview
Services Provided
Installed a 14” thick structural shotcrete and a 1”- 6” thick architectural shotcrete.
Boulderscape Finish
Monterey Sandstone w/Rill and Furrow formation accents
Color Scheme
Earth Blend
Shotcrete Thickness
Average Relief
Shoring System
Battered Solider Pile /Caisson Wall
Shotcrete/Concrete Mix Design
5,500 PSI
Hydration stabilizers were used to maintain concrete temperature and extend the finishing time.